Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

So, today--and throughout all last week--it's been gross, cold and rainy. Leaving me feeling gross, cold and wet.

Interwebz, during these times of weather woes I try to lighten my mood by listening to fun playlists including happy songs such as:




Music=happiness, Interwebz, fo' realzies. For now, even though my little Cave
of Wonders is cold and I can hear the rain outside, I'm in a semi-good mood! (I
would be in a much better mood if I could talk to my BFF-Bestie right now, but
alas, midterms and readings have taken first priority. And also the fact that my
BFF-Bestie is unreachable at the moment...)

Shame, shame, shame.

But, at least I've got great, happy, tunage to get me through this Sunday night!

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