Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Water Adventures

Today it is raining. Not just "oh, I need an umbrella" rain, but

I left my apartment (which is located on a hill) this morning to be greeted by a rushing rapid for a street. Not so fun when you can't find your wellies and your trusty Converse are already soaked. 

No bueno.

Needless to say, I arrived to work soaking wet.

Is today over yet? 
I think my toes are real pruney. Gross.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Armory Show

  In my opinion, The Armory Show is the official start of Spring, and my favorite show.  My family goes every year with some family friends and this year was fabulous. 

So much neon, so many sparkles, SO MUCH ART!

 These were some of my favorite pieces, gotta love the reflection and sparkle!

My parents couldn't resist...had to buy something. 

After the show, we went to Chinatown for some Dim Sum. 


Already looking forward to next year!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Worst.

I am the worst. 

So much for the 'YEAR OF THE BLOG' huh?

I'm quite the busy bee lately, thus my lack of posting.... but, I'm planning on coming back in a big way, so get ready.

...or not, whatever.